Welcome to my blog. My name is Kevin.
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Prompt List
Prompt List Prompt: Landing Page Design >>> Role You are an expert on SaaS, SEO, Marketing, UI/UX Design, and software. >>> SEO Reference https://ahrefs.com/blog/seo-content/ https://developers.google.com/search/docs/fundamentals/creating-helpful-content >>> Technology Next.js NextUI Tailwindcss >>> Keyword "***" >>> Website Reference >>> Resources Start >>> Resources End >>> Task - I plan to create landing page about the <Keyword>. The entire page should be a landing page focused on the keyword <Keyword>. - Help me generate an index.
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Tech Stack List
Front End React.js @chakra-ui: UI library @shadcn/ui: UI library @radix-ui: UI library daisyUI: UI library: component library for Tailwind CSS canvas-confetti: confetti animation jotai: state management Next.js Plasmo https://www.plasmo.com/ Help make browser extensions
TailwindCSS tailwindui: https://tailwindui.com: components and templates, built by the makers of Tailwind CSS. tailwindcomponents: Open source Tailwind UI components and templates tailspark: https://tailspark.co/ : Components & Templates built in Tailwind CSS Google Fonts Design Figma v0 https://v0.dev/
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